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Showing posts from May, 2019

Feel 4 Benefits of Effective Cycling For Diet Lower Weight

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Today, cycling is chosen as one type of exercise that quickly loses weight. Aside from being a sport, cycling has become a lifestyle for urbanites in the middle of a city traffic jam and a lot of motor vehicle pollution. You need to know, cycling can be the right way to diet and a good diet that you need to try. This is because cycling brings many benefits to any diet program that you are running. Here are the benefits of cycling for a diet that can make you healthy and lose weight quickly: 1. Control and reduce weight Cycling is a sport for a healthy diet that will help control and reduce your weight. Cycling can increase the body's metabolism, build muscle, and burn fat in several parts of the body. Cycling is the right way to burn fat in your thighs for you to choose. If you want to get maximum results in a diet program that is run, you can combine cycling with consumption of healthy foods. Cycling can be done every day on a regular basis for severa...

Famous Effective Lower Weight, These 10 Diets Turn Out to Be Dangerous!

InfoHealthyLife.Com - One effort to lose weight that many people do is to apply a certain diet. Each type of diet certainly has different patterns and risks. Many of them are even very extreme and can be classified as dangerous diets. What types of popular diets are apparently not good for health? Types of Dangerous Diets Applying certain types of diets will certainly make the body reflect because of changes in diet that is not as usual. But among the many types of diets, there are several diets that are fairly extreme and high risk, so they can be classified as dangerous diets. Here are some of them: 1. Ketogenic diet The first dangerous diet is the ketogenic diet. This one diet is a diet with rules for high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate food intake. Food intake with this pattern will create a ketosis condition that makes the body burn fat reserves into an energy source. The keto diet into the diet is dangerous because it can trigger ketoacidosis which can ca...

Effective Garlic Diet Reduces Weight Lose

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Have you ever heard of the garlic diet? Garlic is generally used as one of the main ingredients of various dishes. In addition to making dishes more delicious, it turns out you can also do a diet with garlic. How to diet garlic to lose weight? See the explanation below! Garlic Nutrition and Benefits for Health Before knowing how to diet garlic, you need to know in advance the nutritional content contained in garlic. Garlic, besides being a seasoning, is also known as one of the herbal medicines that is believed to be able to provide intake of substances with natural antibiotic properties that can cure several conditions for minor ailments, such as sore throat. Garlic also contains various enzymes that can act as antioxidants for the body. In addition, there are also alicin substances in garlic. This one compound can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Garlic also has various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium, calci...

Depression During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

InfoHealthyLife.Com - During pregnancy women will often experience health problems such as foot swelling, stomach pain, and bleeding. Things like this are common in women so prevention is often done. In addition to physical problems, actually women are also at risk of experiencing depression during pregnancy or prenatal depression. Well, so that we all better understand the psychological disorders that arise during pregnancy such as prenatal depression, see the full review below. Overview of depression during pregnancy Pregnancy is something that many women really dream of. However, pregnancy also sometimes brings fear, stress, and eventually depression. According to The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), around 14-23 percent of pregnant women struggle with depression until labor arrives. Depression during pregnancy is a mood or mood disorder. This disorder occurs because there is a change in chemicals or specifically occurs due to hormones. This change...

Dangers of Prostate Disease, Prevention, and How to Treat It

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Prostate disease is one of the diseases that are a scourge for men. Usually this disease occurs when a man is over 50 years old. Symptoms that are often complained about are often unable to resist urination, especially at night. Actually what is prostate? What causes prostate disorders? How to deal with and prevent prostate? Are there drugs for prostate disease? Find the full explanation below! What is prostate? The prostate is the male sex gland located below the bladder and surrounding the urethra (urethra). The size of this organ is as big as pecan seeds with a four centimeter diamater. As you get older, the size of the prostate will get bigger. In men aged 25-30 years the prostate reaches its maximum weight, about 25 grams. The prostate is a sex gland that functions to release a mixture of fluids and enzymes needed by sperm to stay healthy. When a man reaches puberty, the prostate gland starts making seminal fluid. And, as we get older, men can experie...

Causes and Ways to Whiten Yellow Eyes

InfoHealthyLife.Com -  The eye is one of the most important parts of the body. With your eyes, you can see the beauty of the world. But the eyes are also one of the most sensitive human senses because they must not be touched or possessed by objects even though they are very small and delicate. Therefore we must keep our eyes healthy and clean. Eyes have very sensitive properties, so it makes it very difficult for us to maintain eye health. There are so many causes of yellow eyes, which make our eye health less, especially in today's modern age, it will certainly be a big problem for the health of our eyes. Well, the following will explain what are the causes of yellow eyes. Causes of Yellow Eyes The following are the reasons why your eyes turn yellow that you need to pay attention to, Healthy Friends! 1. The eye is exposed to dust The eyes are exposed to dust is a common thing when we are outside the house but we certainly will not be able to hold back if the eyes ar...

Causes of Vaginal Fungal Infections and How to Overcome

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Compared to men, women are more likely to experience interference with their genitals compared to men. This can occur because of the shape of the vulva which covers the vagina, clitoris, and labia which is more open than the penis. As a result, bacteria or other microbes easily enter and cause problems with fungal infections. Based on various problems that occur in the vagina, others often appear are fungal infections (yeast) or yeast infection. This infection causes itching and heat even though it is not too harmful to the vagina and woman. This infection can occur due to many things and one of them is having sex. What is a vaginal yeast infection? The cause of a vaginal yeast infection is a fungus named Candida. Actually this fungus already exists in the vaginal environment and is not harmful. Unfortunately if the number increases sharply it will often cause problems. Other good bacteria will die so that the infection is inevitable. As long as the normal flo...

Benefits of the Amazing Oatmeal for the Body

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Oatmeal is the outermost layer (oatbran) in the inner seeds of wheat (groats). Often used as cereal which is the main food of Scotland and Ireland, as the best source of fiber that can be digested by humans, it is believed to absorb cholesterol, so it can help lower cholesterol in the body and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Oats also contain low glycemia which is good for diabetics because the level of blood sugar produced after eating is very low. Lately many medical practitioners and nutritionists encourage diabetic patients and the heart to consume oatmeal, mainly because of its efficacy in helping to keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels normal. In addition to the high fiber content, oatmeal also provides magnesium, protein, phosphorus and vitamin B1 (thiamin), which play an important role in producing energy. Benefits of Oatmeal for Health To find out more about what health benefits you can get from the food of this whole grain product, ...

Are Your Eyes Swollen? This Is Treatment That Can Be Done

InfoHealthyLife.Com -  Basically, swollen eyes can be caused by many things, ranging from infection to fluid buildup. This condition can generally subside by itself and can be handled in a simple way. But if the symptoms do not improve or there are other complaints, you should immediately get treatment of a professional medical professional. So, what kind of swollen eye medication should you use? Please note, the choice of swollen eye medicine is varied. You can use from over-the-counter drops or those that have to be prescribed by a doctor, until the cream or ointment is smeared. How to treat swollen eyes depends on the causes and conditions that accompany them. Before you know the medication for swollen eyes, you also need to have that swollen eye or in its medical language called periorbital edema is a condition that refers to excess fluid in the connective tissue around the eyes. Swollen eyes often occur on the eyelids and can interfere with your daily activities. This cond...

15 Infused Water Recipes for Tasty and Easy to Make Detox

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Detox is one of the diet methods that is now the trend of the age which is much favored by the community, especially women. The natural way to detox your body to go on a diet can be supported by applying what life style you do everyday, and choosing what foods and drinks you will consume, as well as what life styles you apply daily. One effort made to apply the natural detox method is to consume healthy drinks. Now, one of the health drinks that acts as a detox and is being consumed by many people today is a way to diet with infused water. Moreover, young people today are very familiar with these millions of benefits. Yes! Besides being fresh, infused water is also useful in the detoxification process, maintaining body fitness, nourishing your organs, to reduce your weight. Why can infused water lose weight? The reason is because infused water does not contain calories at all, but has many vitamins from fruits that are used as raw material for infused water. U...

15 Dangers of Circulatory Disease That You Should Be Aware of!

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Circulatory diseases in a person are often the main cause of experiencing changes in the body, abnormalities in this disease are very diverse. Abnormalities or diseases of the circulatory system are caused by several factors, namely heredity and non-hereditary factors. Function of the Circulatory System The circulatory system is one of the most important organ systems, which is responsible for carrying out certain important activities. This process consists of blood, blood vessels, and heart. All of these components play an important role in the normal functioning of the human heart and the circulatory system as a whole. The heart pumps blood to various organs through blood vessels, where oxygen and nutrients are distributed to body parts. According to medical research, circulatory system diseases account for the highest mortality compared to other diseases. Followed by heredity or genetic factors that cause circulatory system disease in humans. Therefore, wit...

11 Causes of Lumps in the Penis

InfoHealthyLife.Com - During this time we only know if the disorder that appears on the male genitals, which must be considered is impotence and premature ejaculation. These two things are always a concern for men even though other disorders that are quite minor can also harm a man's sex organs such as a lump on the penis that is white or yellowish in color. If you have a lump on the penis or around it such as the scrotum (pelir bag) and the area of ​​the pubic skin, you should pay close attention and identify the cause. Maybe a lump that appears does not interfere with a man sexually, but there is a possibility of other disorders that can cause major disturbances. Causes of a lump in the penis The following are some of the causes of the appearance of a lump on the penis that men must watch out for. 1. Genital warts (Condyloma acuminata) The cause of a lump in the penis is the first genital wart or Condyloma acuminata. Warts that appear on the penis both around the scro...

Can Diabetes Patients Eat Mango?

InfoHealthyLife.Com - It is common knowledge that mangoes have a delicious and refreshing taste while having high nutritional content. It's just that, the sweet taste of the mango makes many diabetics worry about taking it. Actually, can mangoes be for diabetes? Reporting from NDTV Food, the book Healing Foods published by DK Publishing says mango has an enzyme that can make digestion work more effectively. In fact, consuming it regularly can reduce the risk of getting colon cancer and heart disease. Benefits of Mango for Diabetes A study conducted by the Federation of American Societies for Expereimental Biology resulted in the fact that the routine benefits of consuming mangoes every day include: 1. Reducing blood sugar levels Can control and reduce blood sugar levels even though there is a natural fruit content in this fruit. So, mangoes for diabetes are safe for consumption. 2. Reducing insulin resistance Another study conducted by experts from Oklahoma Universi...

11 Causes of Blinking Eyes

InfoHealthyLife.Com -  Eye pain when flashing can come from a variety of different causes. Some of them need medical treatment. Eye pain when blinking can occur throughout the eyes or in certain areas, such as the angle of the eye or eyelid. Then what causes eye pain? Causes of Eye Pain Eye pain usually occurs because of dust or dirt that enters the surface of the eye causing the eyes to hurt when flashing However, it can also be caused by injury or a medical condition. As reported by Medical News Today, the following causes eye pain when flashing, including: 1. Injury Basically, the eyes are relatively safe from damage. However, acute trauma or dust can injure the eyes and eye cavity which ultimately causes the eyes to hurt when flashing. Scratches to the surface of the eye (cornea) are a type of general injury that can easily occur when rubbing or touching the eyes. It also allows the eyes to maintain burns from ultraviolet light stings or contact with certain substan...