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Dangers of Prostate Disease, Prevention, and How to Treat It

Dangers of Prostate Disease, Prevention, and How to Treat It
InfoHealthyLife.Com - Prostate disease is one of the diseases that are a scourge for men. Usually this disease occurs when a man is over 50 years old. Symptoms that are often complained about are often unable to resist urination, especially at night. Actually what is prostate? What causes prostate disorders? How to deal with and prevent prostate? Are there drugs for prostate disease? Find the full explanation below!

What is prostate?

The prostate is the male sex gland located below the bladder and surrounding the urethra (urethra). The size of this organ is as big as pecan seeds with a four centimeter diamater. As you get older, the size of the prostate will get bigger.

In men aged 25-30 years the prostate reaches its maximum weight, about 25 grams. The prostate is a sex gland that functions to release a mixture of fluids and enzymes needed by sperm to stay healthy. When a man reaches puberty, the prostate gland starts making seminal fluid. And, as we get older, men can experience prostate disorders including benign prostate enlargement, prostate inflammation, and prostate cancer. The danger of prostate disease must be watched out because if not, the danger of prostate disease can be fatal.

After knowing what a prostate is, you are certainly curious about prostate disease in men and the cause of the prostate has impaired function. Knowing the causes of prostate in men will help you to plan the right treatment so that prostate disease can be cured appropriately.
Causes of prostate disease in men

Prostate disease in men is triggered by several factors that are sometimes unknown and even realized by men. More specifically, here are some causes of prostate disease in men:

1. Benign prostate enlargement

Many causes of prostate disease that can make men feel pain. One of them is benign prostate enlargement. Benign prostate enlargement is a condition of excessive prostate gland growth. There are two main factors that influence the causes of this disorder, namely increasing age and the functioning of leydig cells in the testes as the main producer of androgen hormones, namely testosterone.

The change in testosterone to dehydrostestosterone (DHT) in prostate cells is the trigger factor for the entry of DHT into the prostate cell nucleus which can cause inscription in RNA, resulting in the formation of proteins that cause prostate cells to multiply.

Symptoms that are often shown by patients with prostate disease are weak urination, not smooth urine, intermittent urine, when starting to urinate for a long time, frequent urination, urination must be in a hurry, bedwetting or urine dripping, urinating at night more than twice.

2. Inflammation of the prostate

Prostate inflammation is a prostate disorder that needs to be watched out. The danger of this one prostate disease can be fatal and cause painful torture for the sufferer. Prostate inflammation or so-called prostatitis is caused by a bacterial infection that makes the prostate become inflamed and swollen. At that moment it felt very painful.

Prostate inflammation is most common in men who repeatedly experience inflammation of the urinary tract. These inflammatory bacteria include Escherichia coli, Klebsiella bacteria, Enterobacteria, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, and Staphylococci.

Symptoms that often arise when exposed to inflammation of the prostate are pain during ejaculation, during intercourse, the presence of blood in the sperm, and sexual function has decreased. Inflammation of the prostate is a disease that can cause sexual life disorders for married couples if not addressed immediately.

3. Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a cancer that attacks the prostate gland, so cells grow abnormally and uncontrollably. Prostate cancer is divided into two major groups, namely cancer that is still limited in the prostate organ (early cancer) and which has spread out the prostate, both to surrounding organs and distant metastasis (advanced cancer).

Prostate cancer rarely attacks men under 45 years unless there are among your family. This disease can usually be cured if detected in the early stages.

The problem that often arises is that this cancer often grows quietly in the prostate gland without any symptoms until after it spreads to the bones and surrounding tissue. That is why it is very important for men aged 50 years to undergo a digital rectal test that allows doctors to find a lump or enlargement of the prostate, and prostate-specific antigen blood test, a blood test to detect a type of protein that comes out of the prostate if there is a tumor.

How to Prevent Prostate Disease in Men

Prostate prevention can be done by avoiding the causes of the prostate experiencing disruption and living a healthy lifestyle. Here are some ways to prevent prostate disease that can be done at home:

1. Carry out a healthy lifestyle

The simplest way is to consume fruits that contain antioxidants that are important for the prostate, such as tomatoes, avocados, and nuts. Unhealthy lifestyle will trigger the emergence of unwanted prostate causes.

2. Enough for essential fat needs

Omega 3 fatty acids, and zinc minerals can reduce symptoms of prostate disorders. Foods that are rich in catechins, especially epigalocatecin gallic (epigallocatechinsgallate), selenium, sulforafan, and vitamin C promote the ability of the immune system and eliminate carcinogenic toxins.

Not only that, these substances also increase the formation of tumor cell suppression enzymes, including prostate cancer.

3. Eat cabbage vegetables frequently

Some research results say, men who often eat vegetables cabbage can reduce the risk of prostate disorders.

4. Check prostate health regularly with your doctor

This is to anticipate the appearance of disorders of the prostate. If a problem is found, treatment can be immediately obtained.
Medication for prostate disease

After knowing the cause of prostate disease, you need to know the alternative medicine for prostate disease. Maybe you are curious, besides medical drugs, is there an herbal prostate medicine that can cure prostate disorders?

Good news for anyone who is experiencing prostate disorders, there is an alternative medicine for prostate disease that you can use to treat the causes of prostate pain.

Black cumin or Black Seed is as apoptosis (deadly cancer cells), antiproliferation and antiangiogenesis (formation of new blood vessel cells), so that it can overcome prostate disorders, especially can cure prostate cancer. As long as you consume regularly and always maintain a healthy lifestyle (including a healthy diet), prostate disorders can disappear on their own.


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