Care and support plans are for anyone who needs care or cares for someone else. Your care plan should cover: self help worksheets Google Search Self care It is drawn up by the local authority after an ehc needs assessment of the child or young person, in consultation with Health care plans uk . Secure the best possible outcomes for them across education, health and social care; Stay as independent as possible; There were 390,100 children and young people with statutory education, health and care (ehc) plans maintained by local authorities as at january 2020. We exist to make it as easy as possible for people to access the healthcare treatments they need. These children and young people may need support through an ehcp. You'll receive a copy of the care plan and a named person to contact. What is an education, health and care plan? Prepare them for adulthood as they get older. Statistics and analysis on education, health and care (ehc) plans in england. ...