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11 Causes of Lumps in the Penis

11 Causes of Lumps in the Penis
InfoHealthyLife.Com - During this time we only know if the disorder that appears on the male genitals, which must be considered is impotence and premature ejaculation. These two things are always a concern for men even though other disorders that are quite minor can also harm a man's sex organs such as a lump on the penis that is white or yellowish in color.

If you have a lump on the penis or around it such as the scrotum (pelir bag) and the area of ​​the pubic skin, you should pay close attention and identify the cause. Maybe a lump that appears does not interfere with a man sexually, but there is a possibility of other disorders that can cause major disturbances.

Causes of a lump in the penis

The following are some of the causes of the appearance of a lump on the penis that men must watch out for.

1. Genital warts (Condyloma acuminata)

The cause of a lump in the penis is the first genital wart or Condyloma acuminata. Warts that appear on the penis both around the scrotum, penis head, and penile shaft occur because of an HPV virus infection.

The HPV virus can be transmitted because of unhealthy sexual activity, for example not using a condom. In addition, poor sanitation and frequent exchange of clothes can also cause similar conditions.

2. Folikutis

That is inflammation of the hair follicles, causing small reddish spots on the hairy area, and can occur in the pubic area.

Most men have some hair that grows around the base of the penis. Often, the hair stretches far down the penis. Hair grows from a small hole, called a follicle. Often, the follicles on the penis may be quite prominent.

3. Tyson gland

This disease is caused by a blockage of the oil glands under the skin, causing small white spots on the penis. These glands usually appear between two frenulum or tissue that connects the foreskin to the head of the penis.

This condition is not dangerous and is considered normal. Usually this lump will disappear by itself over time. Oh yes, even though it's not dangerous, you are not advised to press or break this lump.

4. Growth of abnormal hair (ingrown hair)

Hair on the surface of the skin grows slowly from the follicle or its tip. Normally, the hair will grow through the skin's pores and lengthen. However, there are times when the hair is disrupted so that the growth instead returns to the follicle (ingrown hair), causing a red male pubic lump.

This disorder usually resolves on its own after the surface of the penis skin dries. However, if the surface of the skin gets dirty, the infection can occur and cause greater disruption. The penis will feel more painful so that men are not comfortable when urinating or having intercourse.

5. Fordyce Spots

Basically beneath the surface of the skin there are many oil glands. The gland in the penis can remain under or slightly depressed in the form of a lump that is often considered a venereal disease.

Lumps in the genital tract and its common area which are actually Fordyce's spots are not harmful to health. However, if seen at a glance, the penis is aesthetically disturbed.

6. Molluscum Contagiosum infection

This infection causes a lump in the penis with a characteristic lump in the middle with a white core. This condition often causes itching and irritation to the penis so men need to cure it as soon as possible.

Oh yes, this infection can spread easily. Therefore, do not exchange clothes, especially underwear.

7. Lichen Planus

Lichen planus is a condition in which the appearance of small purplish red papules or lumps is accompanied by white patches of serpeti nets typically called Wickham striae. This disease is most common in the extensor arm but can also occur in the penis, generally accompanied by intense itching.

The condition of this lump can also arise because there is a disruption in the body, especially sufferers of hepatitis C. Treatment of major diseases and penises should be done to eliminate them quickly.

8. Lymphocele

Lymphocele can occur when the lymph nodes or penile glands become blocked and the area becomes hard and swollen. The affected area on the penis shaft usually appears after sexual intercourse or masturbation. This usually resolves spontaneously and does not require treatment.

9. Penile cancer

Penile cancer is a malignant disease. The cause of a lump in the penis is rare and requires treatment so it must be detected as early as possible. Abnormal cell growth is responsible for the appearance of lumps, which are usually in the head or penis foreskin, but can appear anywhere. A biopsy may be needed to ensure that a suspicious lump on the penis is not caused by cancerous growth.

10. Boils (Furuncles)

Inflammation of the hair follicles accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection causes lumps in the reddish penis containing pus or boils (furuncles).

Ulcers are usually single most likely to occur in areas of the hairy body such as the back or neck. But boils can also develop in other areas of the body such as the buttocks, thighs, groin, and armpits.

11. Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the HSV2 virus (Herpes Simplex Virus 2). Symptoms include the appearance of a male pubic lump or resilient, water-filled lump that is clustered in the genital area, accompanied by pain and burning like burning.
Do you need to do a test for a lump in the penis and its surroundings?

The doctor will ask you some questions, and then examine the lumps in the pubic shaft and its surroundings. In some circumstances, the diagnosis will be clear at this stage and no further testing is needed. For example, if you experience boils or abscesses, you don't need to take the test again.

1. Ultrasound Scanning (USG)

In many cases, ultrasound scanning will help. This can confirm the type of lump you have on the genitals, and provide more information about his condition.

Scanning shows what causes a lump or gland in the penis. For example, if you show fat tissue, it shows a non-cancerous fat lump (lipoma).

If you have an aneurysm, the scan will show a swollen artery. Testicles that do not go down can be seen in ultrasound scans. Lumps in the penis filled with fluid show cysts and so on.

2. Blood test

Blood tests can also help determine whether swollen lymph nodes are caused by infection, and in some cases blood tests can help find the cause of the infection. In people who experience recurrent ulcers or abscesses, blood tests to check for underlying reasons such as diabetes may be useful.

3. Biopsy

Sometimes it may be necessary to take a sample of the penis lump for further analysis. This is called a biopsy. Tissue samples in a lump can be taken with a thin needle, or the entire lump in the penis is removed. The sample is then examined under a microscope to find out the cause. This is useful if several types of cancerous lumps or lymph nodes are suspected.
What is the treatment for a lump in the penis?

This differs depending on the cause. There is no single treatment for all lumps in the penis. After finding the cause, the doctor will advise on treatment options.


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