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How to naturally shrink a distended stomach in 1 week

How to naturally shrink a distended stomach in 1 week - A distended stomach is not only 'damaging' the physical appearance, besides that, the comfort in activities and health will also be disrupted. Most people might think fat in the area of ​​the abdomen around the waist is just a trifle fat hanging.
Thus many do not care about tips or how to shrink the distended stomach due to the fat deposits.
But in fact, abdominal fat, also called visceral fat, is very dangerous. This type of fat is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

So do not ever assume trivial on a distended stomach, open your eyes and know how to shrink the effective distended stomach below.
The important points in shrinking a distended stomach are:
  •     Eat lots of fiber.
  •     Avoid trans fat.
  •     Reduce alcohol consumption.
  •     A high protein diet.
  •     Reduce stress.
  •     Reduce 'sugar' sweet foods.
  •     Reduce sweet drinks.
  •     Reduce carbohydrate intake.
  •     Consumption of coconut oil.
  •     Consumption of fatty fish.
  •     Monitor calorie intake.
  •     Eat apple vinegar.
  •     Take probiotics.
  •     Do intermittent fasting.
  •     Drink green tea.
  •     Aerobic exercise.
  •     Weight training.
  •     Enough sleep.
The following tips for successful shrinking fatty belly:

1. Consumption of a lot of Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber can absorb water and then it will form a gel that will help slow down food when it passes through the digestive system.

Studies show that this type of fiber helps reduce weight by making you feel full faster so you naturally don't need to eat too much. In addition, this fiber can also reduce the number of calories absorbed by the body from food.

What's more, soluble fiber can help fight fat in the stomach which is the cause of a distended stomach. An observational study conducted over a 5-year period on more than 1100 adults, found that for every 10-gram increase in intake of soluble fiber, it would reduce abdominal fat by 3.7%.

So try to always eat high-fiber foods every day such as carrots, flaxseed, avocado, peas, berries, and others so that the distended stomach immediately goes away from you.

2. Avoid Trans Fat Foods

Trans fat is processed through a partial hydrogenation process (adding hydrogen to it). Some margarine products (made from soybean oil), white butter or commonly called shortening, are some types of products that contain trans fat.

Trans fats do have special features that can make food taste good and melt in the mouth, taste crisp, and taste and smell savory and delicious.

However, this fat has been linked to inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance and abdominal fat in research and observations made in animals.

A study conducted over 6 years found evidence that monkeys who ate foods high in trans fat gained 33% more belly fat than monkeys who ate foods high in monounsaturated fats (good fats).

To help you avoid products that contain trans fats, how to read the composition of the ingredients, most of which are written with names such as shortening, partially hydrogenated vegetables oil, or hydrogenated fats.

3. Reduce Alcohol Consumption

For some people consuming small amounts of alcohol can provide health benefits, but it will be very dangerous if taken too much.

There is a study that shows that consuming too much alcohol can create belly fat so that the stomach will become distended.

Observational studies link heavy alcohol consumption with a significantly increased risk of obesity, namely excess fat storage around the waist.

If you want to know one of the ways to shrink a bloated stomach, this is one way to reduce or avoid consuming alcohol altogether. Remember, the benefits of alcohol are not worth the health risks you will get.

4. High Protein Diet

The next way to shrink a distended stomach is to do a high-protein diet. Protein is a nutrient that is very important for weight control.

Food intake that is high in protein can increase the release of excessive YY (PYY) peptide hormones, which can reduce appetite and increase satiety. In addition, protein can also increase metabolism and help you maintain muscle mass during weight loss.

There are many observational studies that prove that someone who consumes more protein tends to have less belly fat than those who eat low-protein foods.

5. Reduce Stress Levels

Did you know that stress can also trigger stomach fat? When stressed, it will trigger the adrenal gland to produce the hormone cortisol, also known as "stress hormone".

Research shows that high cortisol levels can increase appetite and encourage storage of abdominal fat. What's more, women who already have a large waist tend to produce more of the hormone cortisol in response to stress. Increasing the hormone cortisol will increasingly trigger increased belly fat.

Therefore do fun activities that can keep you away from stress. Practicing yoga or meditation can be an effective method for relieving stress as one way to reduce a distended stomach.


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