InfoHealthyLife.Com - The various types of sex performed by couples, oral sex has always been considered the most secure. By performing oral sex, a person will not experience the transmission of a disease or get other serious problems. Is it so? Any kind of sex is actually performed remains risky. Even things we take for granted turned out to be causing the problem. That's why we are not advised to do sex with recklessly and without a safety net. Errors committed while performing oral sex There are many mistakes that are often made by a person while performing oral sex. Here are a few examples of that error. 1. Do not clean the pubic area first Always clean with bath and invite couples to do it well. The public should be clean and there is no remaining dirt. If the remaining dirt, until there is a possibility of transmission of the disease would be great. In addition to what is felt when making love also was not enjoyable. 2. Do not use a condom Condoms ar...