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4 Easy and Most Effective Way to Diet with Ice Cubes

4 Easy and Most Effective Way to Diet with Ice Cubes
InfoHealthyLife.Com - How to diet with ice cubes this time is a way of diet that is quite effective and can be applied by all walks of life. Starting from young people, adults, to those who have entered old age. Ice cubes are quite popular with the community. Because in addition to being easy to get, ice cubes also have many benefits. And one of the benefits that we can get from ice cubes is to help our diet program.

How to Diet with Ice Cubes

How to Diet with Ice Cubes To be able to get ice cubes, we can buy them at stalls around our homes at very affordable prices, or we can also make it ourselves using plain water. The process of making ice cubes is very easy.

Simply enter the water into the ice cube mold - it can be a small container, plastic or any other one -, then we put it in the refrigerator. Wait for several hours and ice cubes are ready to be consumed or processed.

On this occasion, we will provide information about how to diet with ice cubes. And here are some ways we can use to diet using ice cubes.

1. By Compressing Body Parts

The first way we can use to diet using ice cubes is to compress certain body parts that contain lots of fat using ice cubes. This method is effective enough to help reduce weight because the content contained in ice cubes can help reduce fat levels in parts of our body. In addition this method is also very cheap and easy.

The first step that we can do to be able to diet using this method is to wrap several prepared ice cubes using a thin cloth. After that put or compress fatty body parts using the ice cubes. Usually the abdomen contains the most fat, so you should not miss it to put it in the abdomen. Lift it regularly to avoid unwanted effects on parts of our body. Do it for around 20 - 60 minutes until it feels the benefits.

Some of the symptoms that are often felt when using this method are skin numbness, tingling, discolored skin, and blisters on the skin. And if some of these symptoms have begun to appear, you should stop the compressing process and immediately compress the body parts using warm water to reduce the symptoms. (Also Read: Side Effects of Smart Detox Diet)

2. By consuming ice cubes before eating

The second way we can use to diet using ice cubes is to consume ice cubes before eating. This method is very effective and very good to help reduce our weight. This is because if we consume ice cubes before eating, our appetite will decrease and we will not eat too much. That way, the possibility of being able to successfully undergo a diet program is getting bigger. Not only that, consuming the ice cubes of the digestive system in our body will also become smoother so it is very good for people who are on a diet.

3. Mixing Ice Cube with Fruit

Mixing Ice Cubes with Fruit The next way we can also do to diet using ice cubes is to mix ice cubes with various types of fruits. A mixture of ice cubes with several types of fruits is usually referred to by people with the name of ice mix.

The way to make ice mixes is also very easy. First, we prepare some ice cubes with a small size - small or medium, then we mix with several types of fruit such as melons, mangoes, watermelons, or any other type of fruit. After that we can add syrup to the mixture to produce a fresher taste. And mixed ice is ready for consumption.

This mixed ice is very good for consumption for people who are on a diet because it is able to effectively delay hunger and reduce appetite. For those of you who are on a diet then feel hungry at times that should not, you should avoid eating heavy foods. It would be better if you postpone hunger first and one way is to consume this mixed ice.

4. By processing ice cubes

How to diet with the next ice cube that we can also do to be able to diet with ice cubes is to process ice cubes into various types of refreshing foods. Some types of food and drinks that we can treat from ice cubes include ice tea, ice cream, juice, and others. The goal is almost the same as when we consume mixed ice, which is to delay the hunger that comes at the wrong time. In addition, we can consume processed ice cube products to facilitate digestion so it is very good for people who are on a diet.


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