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7 Magic Benefits of Coconut Oil for Health

7 Magic Benefits of Coconut Oil for Health
InfoHealthyLife.Com - Those of you who have participated in scouts must have heard that coconut is one of the plants that can be utilized by all parts of the body. Not only fruit, coir and stems, coconut oil is also rich in extraordinary benefits for health. Plus, coconut oil is 100 percent natural, affordable, and easily available in Indonesia. The benefits can also be felt by the entire body, ranging from the skin, digestive system, mental, to hair. Here are six special benefits of coconut oil for our health:

1. Skin care
Coconut oil is a moisturizer that is very well used for all skin types, especially dry skin and experiencing signs of aging. Coconut oil can refresh your skin, making it look young and healthy for a long time. The fat and antioxidant content in it can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles without causing irritation.

Not only beautifying, coconut oil can overcome skin problems such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin diseases. Coconut oil is also rich in vitamin E which can accelerate the regeneration of damaged skin cells. Vitamin E also functions to maintain healthy skin and can prevent skin cancer.

2. Relieves stress
The natural aroma of coconut oil can help reduce stress levels. If you feel tired after working all day and facing problems that make you stressed, try applying a little coconut oil and massage your head in a circular motion. You can also try mixing it with your other favorite aromatherapy.

3. Overcoming digestive problems
Coconut oil contains lauric acid and capric acid which is included in the saturated fat of medium chain triglycerides. This fat is used to form antibodies, the body's main defense system in fighting infections and viruses. This fat can also help control bacteria and fungi that cause digestive problems and the gastro intestinal system, as well as irritable bowel syndrome.

With the destruction of parasitic bacteria, the digestive system can work more optimally. The fatty acid content in coconut oil also helps absorb minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, which will make you healthier.

4. Maintain body shape
Coconut oil is proven to improve thyroid function, increase your metabolism and energy level. All three can help burn unwanted fat and increase muscle formation. Coconut oil also contains an enzyme that functions as a catalyst for stomach acid which can help break down fat. Medium chain triglycerides are easily absorbed by the body so cholesterol is not easy to increase. That's why coconut oil is popular as the only natural low-calorie fat in the world.

5. Increases energy
Lauric acid content which is included in medium chain triglycerides is very abundant in coconut oil. This fat is sent directly by the body to your heart to be processed as energy. This is what makes coconut oil useful as an instant energy source for the body. This function is needed in a simple carbohydrate diet so that it is suitable for those of you who want to stay energized without adding a lot of calories.

6. Helps the healing process
As explained earlier, lauric and capric acids are useful in the formation of antibodies in the body. These antibodies not only protect the body from internal infections, but also outside infections. When treating scratched or scarred wounds, coconut oil can form a thin chemical layer that protects wounds from bacteria, dust, and viruses. Coconut oil speeds up the wound healing process by repairing damaged tissue. Plus, coconut oil has a scent that is far better than wound medicines that you can get at a pharmacy.

7. Hair Care
Coconut oil is one of the most nutritious products that you can use to treat hair. There are so many benefits that can be taken, such as maintaining the moisture of the hair, maximizing hair growth, strengthening hair roots, and eliminating dandruff. Coconut oil also provides essential proteins needed to nourish damaged hair, stretch, and strengthen hair.

The abundance of benefits and low prices causes coconut oil to be widely used in hair care products. Instead of buying hair care products that might be accompanied by chemicals that are not too useful, it would be better if you directly use natural coconut oil to treat your hair.


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