InfoHealthyLife.Com - One of the problems that many people want to get rid of today is excess fat. Not only does it interfere with appearance, excess fat, especially in the abdomen, can also cause obesity, which triggers various kinds such as obesity, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.
Exercise alone is not enough to burn fat quickly. You also need to pay attention to your diet and avoid stress. When you are stressed, your body releases high amounts of cortisol. Cortisol can destroy thin muscles which are the most efficient in burning calories. Cortisol also keeps fat from being stored in the stomach. This compound can also increase if your diet pattern is not healthy.
For that, you can do the following six tips. Starting from improving sleep patterns, exercising regularly, and choosing foods that can help burn fat quickly.
1. Improve sleep patterns
Sleeping for about seven hours a day is one of the best ways to shape your ideal body. Sleep deprivation can reduce hormone production and increase cortisol which affects insulin sensitivity so that belly fat is easily formed.
Frequent overtime at night can also disrupt your biorhythms. As a result, you are triggered to eat more. When tired, the body also produces more ghrelin which can make you tempted to eat sweet foods rich in sugar and other fat hoarders.
2. Increase the planking exercise
Doing 1000 sit-ups at night may produce strong abdominal muscles. But if you have many layers of fat in the stomach, the results you get won't be maximal.
Instead of doing sit-ups, do exercises that involve the work of double muscles and the cardiovascular system. For example by doing planking exercises.
The trick, put your forearm on the floor while your body is held in a push-up position. Stay in that position for 30 seconds. Planking 3 to 4 sets every day.
Frequent walking and active moves throughout the day can also help burn fat quickly.
3. Reduce sugar consumption
Reducing sugar consumption can keep insulin levels low while maintaining high glucagon. Glucagon itself is a hormone that helps burn belly fat. For this reason, you need to reduce sugar and calorie consumption and meet the needs of whole proteins, vegetables and cereals.
If you love sweet foods, replace your sugar with sugar-free sweeteners and contain lots of proteins that will make you feel full longer. Another trick is to sprinkle cinnamon powder in coffee or oatmeal for breakfast. These spices can stabilize blood sugar, also slow the release of food from the stomach so you feel full longer.
4. Take vitamin C
When you feel stress, your body produces more cortisol. Vitamin C can help balance cortisol production. Besides being beneficial for fighting flu, vitamin C also plays an important role in the production of carnitine, a compound used by the body to convert fat into fuel. Try eating foods like paprika, kale, or kiwi fruit that have more vitamin C than oranges.
5. Increase your intake of healthy fats
Basically, what causes you fat is not fat, but sugar. Increasing the intake of healthy fats can actually help burn fat quickly. Healthy fats are contained in foods that contain lots of Omega 3 such as salmon, avocado, and walnuts. These foods are full of nutrients that will make you feel full longer.
6. Manage how you breathe
This method is very simple and you can use it even when you are busy. When you feel tense or anxious, observe how you breathe. Most people who are under pressure often hold their breath or take shallow breath quickly.
Once you realize how you breathe, relax your stomach and slow down your breath. This method works more effectively if you focus on slowing your breath out, not breathing. In this way, you can reduce stress levels and balance the hormone cortisol. Taking deep breaths can also increase oxygen intake which helps burn calories.
Exercise alone is not enough to burn fat quickly. You also need to pay attention to your diet and avoid stress. When you are stressed, your body releases high amounts of cortisol. Cortisol can destroy thin muscles which are the most efficient in burning calories. Cortisol also keeps fat from being stored in the stomach. This compound can also increase if your diet pattern is not healthy.
For that, you can do the following six tips. Starting from improving sleep patterns, exercising regularly, and choosing foods that can help burn fat quickly.
1. Improve sleep patterns
Sleeping for about seven hours a day is one of the best ways to shape your ideal body. Sleep deprivation can reduce hormone production and increase cortisol which affects insulin sensitivity so that belly fat is easily formed.
Frequent overtime at night can also disrupt your biorhythms. As a result, you are triggered to eat more. When tired, the body also produces more ghrelin which can make you tempted to eat sweet foods rich in sugar and other fat hoarders.
2. Increase the planking exercise
Doing 1000 sit-ups at night may produce strong abdominal muscles. But if you have many layers of fat in the stomach, the results you get won't be maximal.
Instead of doing sit-ups, do exercises that involve the work of double muscles and the cardiovascular system. For example by doing planking exercises.
The trick, put your forearm on the floor while your body is held in a push-up position. Stay in that position for 30 seconds. Planking 3 to 4 sets every day.
Frequent walking and active moves throughout the day can also help burn fat quickly.
3. Reduce sugar consumption
Reducing sugar consumption can keep insulin levels low while maintaining high glucagon. Glucagon itself is a hormone that helps burn belly fat. For this reason, you need to reduce sugar and calorie consumption and meet the needs of whole proteins, vegetables and cereals.
If you love sweet foods, replace your sugar with sugar-free sweeteners and contain lots of proteins that will make you feel full longer. Another trick is to sprinkle cinnamon powder in coffee or oatmeal for breakfast. These spices can stabilize blood sugar, also slow the release of food from the stomach so you feel full longer.
4. Take vitamin C
When you feel stress, your body produces more cortisol. Vitamin C can help balance cortisol production. Besides being beneficial for fighting flu, vitamin C also plays an important role in the production of carnitine, a compound used by the body to convert fat into fuel. Try eating foods like paprika, kale, or kiwi fruit that have more vitamin C than oranges.
5. Increase your intake of healthy fats
Basically, what causes you fat is not fat, but sugar. Increasing the intake of healthy fats can actually help burn fat quickly. Healthy fats are contained in foods that contain lots of Omega 3 such as salmon, avocado, and walnuts. These foods are full of nutrients that will make you feel full longer.
6. Manage how you breathe
This method is very simple and you can use it even when you are busy. When you feel tense or anxious, observe how you breathe. Most people who are under pressure often hold their breath or take shallow breath quickly.
Once you realize how you breathe, relax your stomach and slow down your breath. This method works more effectively if you focus on slowing your breath out, not breathing. In this way, you can reduce stress levels and balance the hormone cortisol. Taking deep breaths can also increase oxygen intake which helps burn calories.
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