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3 Comparison of Green Tea and Green Coffee Benefits for Diet

3 Comparison of Green Tea and Green Coffee For the Most Easily Distinguished Diets InfoHealthyLife.Com - Comparison of green tea and green coffee for a diet Slim and ideal body shape is one of the dreams of almost all women in the world. Do you want to get that? Want to go on a diet, but haven't made a choice, huh?

Well, don't worry first because you can decide for yourself to do and choose which diet method.

Today there is a lot of information about everything including diet that you can find on search engines or search engines such as the vegetarian diet, how to diet with TJ honey, how to diet with ginger water, how to diet with tofu, how to eat lime, low fat diet, how to paleo diet, and other diet methods.

In addition, the driver of the diet is not only among young women, mothers, especially those who breastfeed, can also go on a diet, namely with the GM diet for nursing mothers. And more interestingly, men also took part in the diet process.

Maybe some people think this is a little strange, but the fact is obesity can be experienced by anyone and any gender, including men. Therefore, pay attention to how a good diet for men.

Talking about a diet for a man, there are recommendations that you might be interested in doing especially if you are a coffee fan. You might be able to try eating Nestcafe Green Coffe for a diet, green coffee for a diet, or if you don't like coffee with green tea.

Alright, this article will discuss the comparison of green tea and green coffee. Why? Because so far many of the dieters still compare the two diets.
Indeed all diet patterns are good for your health, it's just that you have to really make sure if the way you do the diet is correct so as not to cause other side effects that can cause disruption to your health later.

Comparison of green tea and green coffee for the diet can you know by elaborating a few points below.

1. Based on the efficacy

The benefits of green tea for the diet are 4 types, namely reducing appetite, inhibiting the development of fat cells, burning more calories, and increasing metabolism.

The benefits of green coffee for the diet are 6 kinds, which are rich in antioxidants to promote digestion, increase metabolism, help burn bad fats, reduce bad cholesterol, be able to resist hunger, and reduce free radicals.

2. Based on the time of consumption

In green tea, you can consume as much as 3 to 6 times a day

In green coffee, only 2 to 3 times is enough. However, it is better to drink 2 times only once before breakfast and once at night before eating.

3. Based on the side effects

Green coffee side effects that cause stomach ache, increased heart rate, anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, headache, glaucoma, high blood pressure, because of its caffeine content. In addition, it is also at risk of high cholesterol and diarrhea if you consume too much or not according to the prescribed dose. Worse, a green coffee diet can also cause your bones to become porous or have osteoporosis.

The side effects of green tea are being exposed to dehydration, excess calories, disturbed secretion hormones, causing complications, adversely affecting the kidneys and fetus in pregnant women.


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