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Tips How to shrink the body, thighs, arms, natural cheeks

Tips How to shrink the body, thighs, arms, natural cheeks
InfoHealthyLife.Com -  Diet tips and How Much that says if you do a proper diet or exercise. You can deal with certain body parts like thighs, arms or cheeks.
Actually, you can not only be slimming part your thighs, or arms alone, why? Because the body cannot burn fat only in certain parts, the body working burning fat overall.
Then how do I deal with the body, thighs, arms, and cheeks? You can try the following tips:

1. Don't fight stress with food
  • Instead of coping with stress by overeating can cause the Agency is getting fat.
  • You can try to cope with stress by exercising, hanging out with friends or doing other activities that don't involve eating.
2. Enjoy meal times
  • Those who have a naturally slim body very much enjoyed the food. They do not eat while push-push HP, play games, watch tv or work on the computer.
  • If you have the customs of eating like this, stop immediately. Why? Because it could lead to You not being able to control the amount of food that you consume. Then subconsciously you spend such food in a short time and tends to look for extra snacks other sweet and savory.
3. Drink lots of water
The more water you drink, the less fat stored in your body.

4. Expand vegetable and fruit to eat
  • Fat deposits in some parts of the body like on the thighs, cheeks, and arms can be caused due to our body's metabolism slows down.
  • This metabolism slowed one of them due to frequently hold the hungry and strict diet.
  • Vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins and fiber like broccoli, spinach, cabbage, apples, and grapefruit can increase metabolism.
  • Multiply eat vegetables and fruits, so that your body will not store fat as reserve food.
5. Do you enjoy exercise
  • In addition, to nourish the body, exercise can also help shape the Agency into trim.
  • Choose a sport that you enjoy so that the mind relaxed, heart happy, and you do it without a load.
  • By doing the sport you enjoy, the effect is much more noticeably than You do sport are forced to.
6. sleep in the right amount
  • Research shows that more than 9 hours of sleep or less than 5 are correlated with weight gain.
  • In fact, your weight can go up due to lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • Sleep affects some of the hormone levels in your body. Two hormones that play an important role in stimulating and suppress appetite, leptin, and ghrelin.
  • Leptin is produced by fat cells of the body and is responsible for suppressing hunger.
  • Ghrelin is released by the stomach and is responsible for stimulating the appetite.
  • Sleep deprivation lowers leptin levels in the blood and increases the levels of the hormone ghrelin, which cause increased appetite.
  • Enough sleep reduces hunger and therefore it can help you lose weight.
7. Care about your body
  • However, the body shape you have, accept and love it your body completely.
  • This acceptance could make you get motivated for slimming the body without having to be torturing myself by holding a hunger or slimming medication.


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