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Jump Rope Exercise Guide Which Is Safe And Effective For Beginners

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Jump rope is one way cheap sports festive  it is easy for you to quickly burn calories. Offered from WebMD, the sport is often referred to by skipping this turned out to be good for the heart and lung fitness, as well as blood vessels. Then, how do I do the jump rope is good and right for your new would like to get started?

Preparation of jump rope you should look, sports is skipping is safe for all ages and gender. If done correctly, the risk of injury from jump rope uncountable lower than when jogging,  However, there are a few things you need to consider before starting to jump rope.
Make Sure You:

  • Not suffer from knee pain.
  • Don't suffer acute injuries on the legs and ankles.
  • Do jump rope on the surface of the land that is sturdy and not slippery as marble floors or carpets. Slippery floor surfaces can increase the risk of falls and sprains. If indoors, make sure the size of the room is adequate for skipping: broad at least 2 x 3m with a height of 25-30 cm room exceed your height when the jump.
  • Warm-up such as jogging or cycling for 5-10 minutes before, or stretching of the muscles.
  • Consult a doctor to know the limitations of movement and cardiovascular fitness that is ideal for Your body condition. You can ask about an appropriate maximum heart rate to do this sport. On the men's 30 year old healthy adult heart rate maximum for this sport is 150-160 times per minute. Maximum heart rate will be different for every age.
  • Setting up the ropes and sports shoes. For starters, choose plastic beaded straps (beaded jump rope) because it is more easily controlled and maintained its shape. You can also use running shoes or shoes that can be used to practice any kind of sport. Determine the correct strap length is by way of stepping on the middle section of the rope with both feet, while you hold the handle of the rope until you reach Your Armpits. You can shorten the rope if it does not find the string length in accordance with your body.
Although including low-risk exercise for knee and toe, jump rope including high-intensity exercise for the heart. For people who have heart disease, diabetes, obesity, pinched nerves, or other injury history is very well advised to consult first with the doctor before doing the jump rope.

How to do jump rope in the correct
Start jumping a few times without the use of cords in advance, with high initial leap more or less as high as 2.5 cm. After that, use a cord with positioning the hand slightly above the waist and is approximately 30 cm from the body. Use the wrist strap to roll and avoid the swing arm and shoulder too much. Discover the rhythm of the music by using leap or humming, and landed with the sole of the foot pads (the part between the big toe and the Arch of the foot), not with the heel to benefit from Your body's natural shock absorbers.

To train the novice jumper on coordination, you can jump while holding and rocking both ends of the rope on one side of your hand, instead of skipping rope. Give pause to any jump until the body got used to the rhythm and was able to do one round of jumps with a good.

If you can already jump one round with good, start doing this jump continuously for 30 seconds or equivalent to 50 times the leap. Do three to four sets, then rest for 30 to 90 seconds.

Gradually increase the duration of the jump rope you into 60 seconds to 90 seconds to continue endlessly jump, or you could count them with 100 to 150 times the leap with pause break between sets of only 30 seconds. Do jump rope three or four times a week on a day that is not sequential, for example, today you jump rope, and the next day not.

What should you consider?
Although the benefits of jump rope are good for the body, do not impose themselves and exercising excessively. Continue to monitor heart rate and condition your body. Stop exercise immediately if your breath is already fully tired and you feel difficulties to even speak.


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