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7 benefits of Trampoline Exercise that is Fun and Healthy

7 benefits of Trampoline Exercise that is Fun and Healthy
InfoHealthyLife.Com - Bored with the kind of sport that it-that's it? Now it's time you tried the sport of trampoline. Sports done by skipping over this trampoline offers exciting activities and experiences are different from sports in General. Not only that, it turns out that the activity of this one also has many health benefits. What's it? Learn more in this article.
Benefits of trampoline exercise
1. More healthy than running
A study conducted by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) indicate that ran heavier weights give the ankle and lower leg. Whereas in people jumping on the trampoline, the force will be distributed evenly to the leg, back, and head of the jumper. That way, more muscular body that worked and trained when the sport of trampoline.
The study also concluded that someone who jumped spent the same energy as large as people who ran, but with a lighter load on their body.

2. Improve the balance and coordination body
One of the benefits of exercise trampoline the most studied is to help improve balance and body coordination, especially in the elderly population. However, this is not just a trampoline exercise is great for improving balance in older adults only.

The reason, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Note If doing the sports trampoline for six weeks a little effective to improve body balance post athletes suffered sprains the ankle.

Indeed, anyway, this research was conducted in all the small, making it difficult to estimate its effectiveness on a wider scale. But at the very least, the results of the study showed that trampoline could be one exercise tool of choice for athletes who are trying to recover after injuries.

3. Good for heart health
The sport of trampoline can provide the same benefits as aerobic sports, where both are good for the health of the heart and lungs.

Because trampolines can increase oxygen absorption due to more oxygen can reach the cells due to the gravitational changes that occur when your body is bouncing. Even in some research, trampoline rated has the ability to absorb more oxygen compared to running on the treadmill.

4. Control blood sugar
According to a study published in the Australian Journal of Rural Health, doing exercise trampoline routine three times per week for 20 to 30 minutes in a span of nine weeks produce positive changes towards sugar test results blood and body mass index in people with type 2 diabetes.

Interestingly, the positive effects of this sport do not only apply to people with diabetes or prediabetes. Based on research conducted in people with glucose (sugar) levels are normally found that exercise trampoline with high intensity during 50 minutes was able to effectively lower glucose levels during and after exercise. Such research is conducted in the year 2016 and published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.

5. Reduce back pain
One of the most surprising benefits of exercise trampoline is reducing back pain. It is based on the study, published in the Journal of Sport and Tourism Poland. Middle-aged people who do sports trampoline for 21 days is known to have an increased functional capacity that significantly reduce back pain.

However, before you begin this sport you are advised to consult a doctor first. The reason, jumped too much or too high for some people who already have back pain can worsen their situation.

6. Stress Relief
Jumping on top of the trampoline is great fun. Especially if done outdoors while enjoying the fresh air. Any person who do this sport for sure no one can resist the urge to not smile after being thrown into the air as if you were flying. The sensation is an effective means to eliminate the stress and make you more happy.


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