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6 Best foods for Vegans who want to build muscle

6 Best foods for Vegans who want to build muscle
InfoHealthyLife.Com - In addition to regular exercise, intake of animal protein like meat and eggs usually being the main food for people who want to shape the muscles. However, what about the vegan who also want to build muscle? The problem, of course not vegan people eating animal products. Calm down, you can still build muscle mass without sacrificing life vegan. Know various food Shaper muscle to vegans in this article.
The difference between a vegan and vegetarian
Before discussing any further, you should first understand what it is vegan. Vegan is healthy living patterns where the people who lived through it are not consuming food products derived from animals and their derivatives products such as meat, milk, cheese, honey, eggs, and other materials that there is an element of animal.

The pattern is different with naturally vegan vegetarian. Because, some people are still eating vegetarian animal derived products such as honey or eggs. While people who are vegans absolutely not eating everything that smells of animal products. Being a vegan is not just a lifestyle, but this can be a choice of life.
The muscle-forming foods for vegans

In addition to the routine of doing physical exercise, another thing that is important to note in support of the formation of a muscle is the intake of nutrients as food on the muscle cells. Muscle cells require nutrients as energy to perform its activities.

When you want to build muscle, you will eat more foods that contain high protein. Even though protein is best digested body is a protein derived from animal, you are applying the vegan diet does not have to worry. The reason, you still can get protein from plant products are just as good, really.

Actually not only much needed muscle protein, carbohydrates and fats are also required to support the formation of a muscle. Well, this is the third macro nutrients are very necessary for muscle growth. Some of the best foods that can help the formation of muscles for the vegans among them:

1. The nuts
Even if you don't get the intake of calcium from milk processed product, you can still get it from peanuts, almonds, and pistachios. In addition contains calcium, peanuts also contain fat and protein is good for the body. Due to the womb, the nut may be snack options for those of you who want to increase your calorie intake.

2. Green vegetables
If you want to build muscles optimally, consuming foods high in nutrients is important. Kale, kale, mustard greens, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and other green vegetables can help you fulfill your intake of protein. For example, two cups of broccoli contains 5 grams of protein. Although the numbers are not much, eating vegetables in the morning, noon, and night was able to reach up to 15 grams of protein in a day.

3. Tempe
Tempe is a typical food of Indonesia which is rich in deposits of its nutrition value. The reason, tempe provides 41 percent of your daily protein needs. In contrast to other protein food sources that contain high fat, the FAT contains only tempe very little.

4. Soy beans
The protein in soy is the best type of protein than in nuts. The reason, soy is a vegetable source of protein has a high content of leucine. leucine is one of the amino acids that are badly needed in the formation of muscles.

5. chia seeds
Chia seeds (chia seed) contains protein, good fats, and omega-3. Add chia seed in smoothies or pudding You will increase your daily protein intake. A tablespoon of chia seeds contains 60 calories and 3 grams of protein.

6. Wheat bread
Bread made from wheat is also one of the examples for the muscle-forming foods are vegan. For complex carbohydrates in it is a source of energy and a good fiber. Enjoy whole wheat bread with peanut butter for added nutrients needed by the body.


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