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Know the Dangers of Lung Cancer that will target you

Know the Dangers of Lung Cancer that will target you
InfoHealthyLife.Com - Lung cancer is a condition in which the cells grow in an uncontrolled manner in the lungs (i.e., organs used to remove oxygen from the blood during the inhalation and inhalation of oxygen). Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that occurs.

However, lung cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. This is mainly caused by active and passive smokers. At an early stage, there are no signs or symptoms of lung cancer is unclear. But then continue to experience coughing like a cough after the symptoms, always feel shortness of breath, fatigue and unreasonable, and weight loss will appear.

Based on data from the World Health Organization, lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that attacks men in Indonesia. Based on the data GLOBOCAN or the 2012 International Cancer Research Institute (IARC), there are 25322 boxes in Indonesia tortured men and 9374 boxes involved in women with lung cancer.

In 100 hospitals in Jakarta results show that lung cancer is the largest cancer case in men and the fourth largest female. The incidence of lung cancer in the age of 40 years of age is quite low, and up to 70 years of age rise.

There are two types of lung cancer that are the main basis for their cells, namely cancer cell lung (small cell lung cancer / SCLC) and lung cancer, non-small cell (non-small cell lung cancer / NSCLC). Lung cancer, non-small cell opportunities and lung cancer cells compared to four times more common.

Lung cancer type of lung cancer. Lung cancer Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) usually only affects severe smokers and spreads faster than lung cancer, not - small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

The risk of lung cancer. Smoking can be regarded as the main cause of lung cancer. People at risk for most lung cancer are smokers. Approximately 85% of smoking-related lung cancer. Even so, it does not mean that every smoker will get lung cancer. In addition, those who do not smoke are also likely to attack lung cancer, although the number is less.

In addition, smoking causes lung cancer to be inhaled arsenic, radiation and air pollution. Lung cancer is also common in people who are happening to the elderly.

Lung cancer treatment. There are several factors that indicate that affect the treatment and control is to address lung cancer:

    How serious is the spread of cancer cells?
    The patient's health.
    The type of cancer.

Yes, if the cancer cells have not been widely spread to other parts of the body for resection. If your health does not allow it to do the surgical resection, control how others use it. The method of destruction of cancer cells can be carried out.

Lung cancer usually does not cause symptoms until it spreads to the lungs or other parts of the body of other parts of the cancer cells. Treatment depends on the spread of the tumor and is unknown in any cancer diagnosis. The sooner the diagnosis is, the higher the chances of success.


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