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Showing posts from April, 2019

10 Reasons Why You Should Stop Drinking Soda

InfoHealthyLife.Com - We all know that carbonated drinks are not a good choice for health. There have also been many discussions that discuss the negative effects of carbonated drinks on the body and health. However, nowadays soft drinks are very difficult to avoid. Its sweet and delicious taste makes this drink a favorite choice for gathering, relaxing in front of the television, or just quenching thirst. However, the more you drink it, the more health risks you put into your body. Even drinking soda in the 'normal' amount can bring harm to the body. Consider some of the negative effects of the following soft drinks, which we summarize from various studies. 1. One of the factors causing type 2 diabetes In one can, soft drinks contain sweetener which is equivalent to 10 teaspoons of sugar. The total sugar contained in soda, especially in liquid form, can increase blood sugar and cause insulin reactions in the body. If continuously consumed then over time can cause diabetes ...

10 Tips to Avoid Erectile Dysfunction

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Erectile dysfunction is one of the most feared nightmares of men. This problem arises as a result of a lifestyle that is detrimental to health. Charles Walker, MD, assistant professor of urology and co-founder of the sexual and cardiovascular health clinic at Yale University said many people already knew that their lifestyle had a negative impact on health, but not many really cared. They just want to listen when they know that this can also affect their sex life. Low testosterone, poor sex drive, and difficult erections are caused by a variety of high-risk behaviors which, in some cases become irreversible and turn into erectile dysfunction as a whole. Then how to avoid erectile dysfunction? Here are some tips that you can apply to stay away from erectile dysfunction: 1. Pay attention to what you eat A diet that is bad for a man's heart is bad for his penis. That's because poor heart health can affect a man's ability to erect. Research has shown t...

15 Awesome Benefits of Green Coffee You Need to Know

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Green coffee is raw Arabica coffee beans which are not made through the roasting process. During the regular roasting process, the natural antioxidants contained in coffee will disappear. Unlike the green coffee beans that do not go through the roasting process so that the content contained in them can be maintained. This is what causes green coffee to have more health benefits compared to ordinary coffee, which among them is claimed to reduce blood pressure, detoxification and prevent cancer. Benefits of extracts and green coffee beans. The following are some of the amazing benefits of green coffee that you need to know: 1. Contains High Antioxidants Green coffee has a much higher antioxidant content because it does not go through a roasting process that can eliminate most of the antioxidant content as commonly applied to making coffee that you often consume. Because it contains high antioxidants, green coffee can help reduce the effects of damage caused by f...

12 Essential Supplements for Diabetics

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Many of those with type 2 diabetes experience a lack of minerals and water soluble vitamins. Because, high glucose levels in the blood can hold fluid so that the volume of water in the kidneys increases and cannot be reabsorbed. Diabetics also tend to urinate more often so that vitamins and minerals are wasted a lot. That's why patients must be smart to meet the needs of vitamins and minerals by applying a balanced healthy diet every day. However, there are times when these needs are still not met. You can fulfill this deficiency through additional supplements. Some supplements can also help the body maximize the use of insulin so that blood sugar levels remain controlled. However, you need to remember that this supplement is only complementary, not a substitute for diabetes care. It is very important for you to consult a doctor first before taking supplements, including herbs. Because, everyone has different types and doses. Herbal remedies that are often...

10 Advantages & Benefits of Eggs for Health

InfoHealthyLife.Com - In terms of nutrition, eggs are very difficult to match. That's why eggs are categorized as 'superfood' or superfood. Eggs provide many benefits for the body, high protein sources, increase brain intelligence, and many other health benefits And in fact, eggs do contain very many natural nutritional packages, which we usually have to get from a combination of several foods at once. Check out the article below to find out the various benefits and benefits that you can get from eggs. 1. Eggs Contain Very Many Nutrients In a large boiled egg, it contains nutrients that appear in the following table / picture: Apart from the above, eggs also contain enough vitamin E, vitamin K, iron, calcium, zinc (zync), and several other minerals in smaller amounts. With the content of vitamins and minerals above, of course eggs can provide benefits that are not limited to our bodies. 2. Eggs Provide High-Quality Protests Protein is one of the most neede...

10 Kinds of Vegetables to Help Burn Fat

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Changes in lifestyle that are all practical and instant indeed facilitate your various activities. But without realizing it, all of these conveniences also present new problems. Among them is the increasing body weight and an increasingly bloated stomach due to lack of physical activity and the flood of fast food and junk food. Indonesian Health Research even revealed that obesity or obesity in Indonesia tends to increase every year. You certainly don't want to have fat that builds up in your stomach or sags on your arms and thighs. To overcome this, exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet needs to be done. Professor Kuo Chin Huang, President of the Asean Oceania Association for the Study of Obesity (AOASO) explained that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables can help prevent obesity. Fruits and vegetables can accelerate fat burning without adding a lot of calories. Among them, there are 10 best vegetables to help burn the following body fat...

10 Foods to Increase Breast Milk Production

InfoHealthyLife.Com - ASI (mother's milk) is the best gift a mother can give to her baby. Giving ASI to newborns is highly recommended because in breast milk contains optimal fat, sugar, water and protein, where these nutrients are very important for the baby's physical and mental development. The process of breastfeeding or breastfeeding carried out by a mother has so many benefits, not only for the baby but also for the mother. By giving ASI can reduce the risk of babies getting asthma or allergies, respiratory diseases and ear infections. Besides breastfeeding can also help develop physical and emotional bonds between mother and baby. Breastfeeding can also reduce the risk of a mother getting breast cancer, heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, the World Health Organization, WHO, recommends that minimum breastfeeding be carried out until the baby enters the age of 6 months. Knowing the importance of breast milk for mothers and babies, the production of smooth ...

10 Foods That Can Damage Your Teeth

InfoHealthyLife.Com - You must have often heard that consuming too much sweet and sour food can be disastrous for your teeth. Unfortunately, many people underestimate this one problem to finally have a negative impact on their dental health. Sugar, especially sucrose, will feed millions of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria will cause plaque buildup in the teeth and also produce lactic acid which can erode the enamel in your teeth. While acid, is usually found in several foods, including fruits. These acidic foods menggrogoti tooth enamel and damage your teeth directly. Brushing your teeth after eating sour foods will only make things worse. Therefore it is a good idea to wait at least one hour before brushing your teeth after eating sour foods. Then, what foods can damage teeth? Watch out for the following foods if you want to keep healthy and strong teeth: 1. Candy Everyone likes candy. This one sweet food is indeed very enjoyable enjoyed in a variety of events. Unfortunately,...

10 Foods That Are Good For Swollen Stomach To Get Cure Fast

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Often the most common gastrointestinal disorders we know are like stomach ulcers, GERD or increased stomach acid, and also dyspepsia right? Swollen stomach is actually a type of stomach disease that is similar to ulcer disease. When a person suffers from heartburn with complaints of gastric enlargement due to inflammation, this is the swollen stomach. That said, swollen stomach is actually another term for the condition of the stomach that has been in the chronic stage. The causes of this swollen stomach condition can vary, such as stress, irregular sleep patterns, consumption of certain drugs, the presence of parasites / bacteria / viruses in the stomach, irregular eating patterns and also alcohol consumption. Meanwhile, symptoms that indicate that you are suffering from swollen stomach disease include the following conditions:     Heartburn hurts.     Having trouble sleeping because of pain in the pit of the stomach is so ...

7 Ways to Increase Body Endurance Naturally

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Overall, our immune system performs an extraordinary task in preventing diseases caused by microorganisms. But there are times when the system fails: microbes successfully penetrate the body's defenses and make us sick. Endurance is a system not a single process, which means it is influenced by many factors to function properly. Then can we increase the body's resistance to be stronger? For this reason, harmonization and balance are needed. Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, rest, stress, and supplements that enter the body greatly affect the level of endurance. Strengthens the body's resistance naturally. The main key is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Every part of the body, including the immune system, will work better if it is protected from the adverse effects of the environment and strengthened by the rules of a healthy lifestyle. The following simple tips will optimize immune function naturally, including: 1. Enough sleep With enough sl...

8 Complaints of Headaches in These Children Need to Be Aware

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Children often have headaches, maybe parents just think it's because they are not feeling well, are flu symptoms, lack of food or because of lack of sleep and stress on school activities. In fact, headaches are not merely about lack of eating and drinking or lack of sleep or symptoms of a cold. The following are complaints of headaches in children that parents must be aware of. 1. Headache and Vomiting There is intracranial pressure or pressure in the brain when a child has frequent headaches but is also followed by vomiting without diarrhea. If the child complains of frequent dizziness and is always after vomiting but not diarrhea or fever, try to immediately take it to the doctor for a check-up. 2 Headaches do not subside despite lying down When a child complains of headaches and we ask him to lie down and sleep but even more dizziness becomes worse, as soon as you need to take your child to the doctor for examination. It is feared that dizziness that do...

10 Benefits of Yoga for Physical and Mental Health

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Yoga has become a physical exercise that has been favored by various groups throughout the world in recent years, including Indonesia. This ancient practice has proven to provide more benefits than just a flexible and fit body. Here are the benefits of yoga for physical and mental health that you can get if you run it regularly: 1. Reducing weight Not a few people start yoga with the aim of reducing weight. Although it does not include dynamic exercise, yoga can help you control your weight with poses that tighten and build muscle endurance. This practice also helps reduce the urge to overeat and increase your awareness of the importance of a healthier diet and lifestyle. What distinguishes yoga from other sports in reducing weight effectively is breathing exercises that are applied along with physical exercise. By breathing in the right way, the work of the organs becomes more maximal and helps program your diet further. 2. Relieve migraines One study showed ...

10 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Want to start the day with a healthy and fit body? Drinking a glass of warm lemon water in the morning can be an alternative choice for those of you who want to look healthy and fit. This yellow fruit has been packed completely with various kinds of nutrients including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, fiber and others. Even so, need to watch out for lemons is quite influential on the erosion of your tooth enamel so it is recommended to mix it with water first before drinking it. The benefits of drinking warm lemon water. To get the maximum benefit from lemon, it is advisable to mix it using warm water and drink it 15 to 30 minutes before breakfast. The following are 10 benefits of lemon water that you need to know: 1. Lose weight Lemon can help you lose weight. Keep in mind, water is good for hydrating the body, but lemons have different ways. The content of pectin fiber in lemon helps reduce hunger. Therefore, a glass of lem...

10 Best Foods for Women's Health

InfoHealthyLife.Com - In general, women need more calcium, iron, omega 3 fatty acids, and fiber than men for several reasons. Conversely, there are several types of nutrients that are specifically needed by men because of their different body conditions and functions from women. Women need more calcium to maintain bone health because they are more prone to bone problems, especially osteoporosis. Iron is needed by women for obvious reasons, which are related to blood needs during the menstrual cycle, and also when they are pregnant. For omega 3 fatty acids, pregnant women really need it for their fetal health and growth. The rest, fiber is needed by women to prevent problems related to digestive system disorders and breast cancer. What foods are good for women's health? A balanced diet is very important for men and women, but here are foods that will be very beneficial for women's health if consumed regularly in a reasonable amount. 1. Yogurt The good bacteria contained in l...

9 Good Fruits For Urinary Tract Stay Healthy

InfoHealthyLife.Com - Urinary tract or urinary tract infection, also called UTI, is a condition when our urinary tract is infected with bacteria. Another term for this condition is cystitis, which can cause discomfort where the symptoms can generally be:     Painful groin.     Low back pain.     Low back pain.     Pain when urinating.     Diarrhea     Nausea     Gag     The body shivered in the cold.     Fever     Lower abdomen experiences pain.     The bladder feels full even though urination is done regularly.     Urination cannot be detained.     Increased frequency of urination.     Limp body.     Hematuria or urine that is mixed with blood.     Urine smells pungent.     Pain in the pelvis. Symptoms complain...